May 5, 2018

Sifu Sam Recognizes Community Hack Day as a Sign of Change #PGCODE

 Sifu Sam Recognizes Community Hack Day as a Sign of Change #PGCODE

This one is touching me on a personal note.  As a volunteer for the Hack A Thon it was my job to take pictures and post to social media.  Well I did not make it.  But I am there in spirit.  This event is one sign of change that we all need in these times.  With our country facing some of very difficult issues daily it is nice to see an organization that is focused on the FUTURE.

I spent the evening with my daughter Samiya Li. It was a long day of pre scheduled training.  Also the long haul from Bryan's Road with my daughter alone was enough to help me make the decision to stay home.  Mom is at work. lol   But #PGCODE was on our minds the whole time.  I had to give a quick shout out in my live video. Yeah I know what your saying the martial arts instructor was defeated by a baby.  Yes its true. lol  She wins every time.

But Hey....

There is still time to get there unless you are reading this after 7pm today lol.....Click this link to get Directions to the Hack A Thon.

As a STEM teacher myself I am elated to see this event take place.  Its time that we as a people decide to make technology the focus. We the People meaning the American people that need it the most.  Many children go through our education systems without the experiences they need to compete in the real world.  Even I had a hard time adjusting from the transition from schooling to the day to day or real life.  Hack A Thons such at this will help close the GAP!

Enjoy some of the trending post following #PGCODE

Go PGCODE GO! I look forward to next year to see another great event. You Rock! My services will always be offered Free to you.  Make the World a better place!

Sifu Sam Martial Arts STEM / STEAM Teacher

To get more information on the Community Hack Day Read on....

PGCode’s 2018 Community Hack Day, Power, will explore the concepts of electricity, including power, resistance and current. Participants will participate in tutorials to learn how to apply concepts of power and produce a project using materials such as light emitting diode (LED) lights, resistors, breadboards, arduinos, connectors, and switches. No prior hacking experience is necessary.
This process will introduce students to new technology, create pathways for workforce development, expand future recruitment opportunities for employers, and to raise the overall profile of Prince George’s County. PGCode’s inaugural Community Hack Day is sponsored by Love, Affection and Compassion for Neighborhood Development Inc. (LAC) and University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) in partnership with Major League Hacking (MLH). 

Be sure to join us! Register Today!

Wanna volunteer? Sign up here. Volunteer for Next YEAR!

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