Dec 15, 2017

FCC Tweets Make a Difference CBS Highlights Mignon Clyburn - NET NEUTRALITY Who can save us?

Sam Williams II
Internet Servant / IT Consultant

     Hmmm..... Very interesting Tweets make such a difference nowadays.  I remember how a simple tweet changed the course of my career.  I will get to that at the end.  But lets travel down the dark road of the internet NET Neutrality debate.  Will it Kill Dreams and Hopes of small start ups? What is the impact it will make on the mom and pops?  Is it a good thing or not? What is this all about?  I'm sure there are many questions running through your head as well.  Does this mean we will not have an internet? Or what does it mean?  Lets look at what CBS has on the issue.

Why 2 FCC commissioners voted against killing net neutrality

The Federal Communication Commission's vote on the future of the internet came down, as with so much else in American public life these days, to politics. The agency's two Republican commissioners, joined by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, voted to eliminate the "net neutrality" rules, while the panel's two Democrats opposed their repeal.
One of those dissenting voices, Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, had before Thursday's vote starkly framed net neutrality as "the ability of consumers and businesses to reach the online applications and services of their choosing without interference from their broadband provider."
The problem, in Clyburn's view, is that broadband giants such as AT&T (T), Comcast (CMCSA) and Verizon (VZ) can't be trusted to act as impartial gatekeepers to the online world. In support of her position, has cited examples of internet service providers acting in ways she considers unfair in their treatment of content and that are harmful to consumers.

Just ahead of today's vote, Clyburn echoed those concerns. "What saddens me the most today is that the agency that is supposed to protect you is actually abandoning you," she said.
"[B]roadband providers did not even wait for the ink to dry on this order before making their moves," Clyburn said in her dissenting opinion. "One broadband provider, who had in the past promised to not engage in paid prioritization, has now quietly dropped that promise from its list of commitments on its website. What's next? Blocking or throttling?"
"After today's vote, exactly who is the cop of the beat that can or will stop them?" she added.
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC's other Democratic appointee, said in her dissent that the public comment process for the FCC's plan to nix net neutrality was seriously flawed.
There were no public hearings before the FCC's Thursday vote, a fact that Pai dismissed as incidental given citizens' ability to submit comments for the record electronically or in other ways. A record 24 million comments were submitted to the commission -- but at least 2 million of them are allegedly fraudulent, using stolen identities. Nineteen state prosecutors asked the commission to delay its vote until an investigation could take place, which it did not do.
"I think our record has been corrupted and our process for public participation lacks integrity," Rosenworcel said. "Identity theft is a crime under state and federal law -- and while it is taking place this agency has turned a blind eye to its victims and callously told our fellow law enforcement officials it will not help. This is not acceptable. It is a stain on the FCC and this proceeding. This issue is not going away. It needs to be addressed."
To be sure, there will still be a regulator on the beat: Part of the re-classification of internet services would return oversight of internet providers to the Federal Trade Commission, which has a mandate to go after harmful or unfair business practices. But the FTC is ill-equipped to handle consumer complaints about the internet, Clyburn and Rosenworcel said, because it can only address consumer harm after it has occurred.
"By the time the FTC gets around to addressing them in court proceedings or enforcement actions, it's fair to assume that the startups and small entities wrestling with discriminatory treatment could be long gone," Rosenworcel said.

My Heroine M Clyburn America needs her.
Well with all this ruckus its hard to hear or listen.  On a personal note there was a moment I mentioned earlier in my career where a tweet made the difference.

Here is it below:
  After a tweet like this I began to experience success from a digital pat on the back.
I must thank the OCBO Director Tom Reed and Christian Fuscanari of the FCC for taking such great footage.
This is reminder to us all that with the right balance of knowledge we can meet the people and go to the places needed to find success. I actually met this awesome leader Mignon Clyburn a few years ago. See pictured above.  She is and inspiring person. Just a few moments with her will change your life. This is America, and my organization is one that cares about the NET Neutrality issues we face.  Will this mean the end of the internet gurus all over?  I hope not because I was just starting to have fun.  Let's keep the NET OPEN.

Sam Williams II

© 2017 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved.

Dec 13, 2017

Text2Sam Presents - Double Cancer. Is there such a Thing? The Angie White Story touches the world. ICOD Interview.

Double Cancer. Is there such a Thing? The Angie White Story touches the world. ICOD Interview.
Sam Williams II

What do you do when faced with Cancer?  Who knows until it happens.  But two different cancers has attacked our hero of  the day.  I have the pleasure of informing the world of one amazing woman name Angie White.   As one of her biggest fans its my honor to write to the world to tell everyone of her amazing recovery on our blog.

Angie is one of my inspirations to my career as well and to see how far she has come is awesome to see.

Wow talk about falling in love with someones spirit. That I did.  A few years ago after meeting her she told me of her condition.  To be honest it was one call that I wish I had not of taken.  I felt so bad that something like this would happen to such a good person.  But I do know of the healing power of the mind.  So I immediately got myself together as I had to hold back tears and told her to cheer up.  Even though I was sad I faked it talking to her every time. Ha.  However, this young lady seemed to be made of steel.  Ultimately, she gives credit to her God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Please watch the full video below done by TIA Young.
Connect with Angie White through by emailing
or Contact Her Here 

 Connect with Angie on Facebook, and LinkedIN.

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In an emergency call 911

Sep 10, 2017

Hurricane Victim's Bipartisan Emergency Appeal - From Commissioner Bullock Princeville, NC

Public Commentary Hurricane Season & Princeville:
Submitted by Milton Bullock
TOPIC: Hurricane Victim's Bipartisan Emergency Appeal:

"If all goes well and God has spared us with more of HIS Grace & Mercy; I would like to introduce as a last resorts; a special 'Emergency-Bipartisan Meeting' in a serious attempt to clear the fog as it applies in comparative to how Houston's expeditious recovery in contrast to how long little old historical Princeville is still caught out in the Hurricane Season of 2017 and subject to another horrendous death defying episode of flooding. In essence as an OBJECTIVE of URGENCY; we here in Princeville would like to revisit all possibilities of resurrecting the creation of an 'Executive Order'-be it Congressional or Presidential that would establish; 'The President's Council On The Present & FUTURE of Princeville, NC!' Almost 17 years ago this month; "Hurricane Floyd" brought Presidential William Clinton in this area to assess the damages and he designated some 12 agencies to mandate and comprise a similar council that would've helped Princeville beyond it's traditional, horrific flooding past of 2 Centuries!

I truly think we have been bamboozled/tricked into mentally accepting and willing to settling traditionally,...for 'meager crumbs' as compared to our actual damages, during Hurricane Matthew (in excess of 100 Millions Dollars). It's a given; that we as a young in-experienced, part-time administration would have a rough road to hoe. As opposed to the municipal-luxuries that the Gov. of Texas, and the Mayor of 20 years of Houston had ready-made departments heads and contacts waiting and ready to traverse the political bureaucratic maze in record time! And in being prepared; all the blessed, necessary help and emergency assistance from all over North America came pouring in! Even NC sent emergency help to aid in their recovery.

Still yet; here we are going on almost 150 years old as the first African American settlement (1865) by some of the first Freed Slaves who were inspired, as well as aspired to establish a community in North America! And here in the 21st Millennia; we can't phantom; nor imagine how to maneuver through decades of annually catastrophic events of Mother Nature. This is why such a meeting is critically important for us to collectively come together with one mission! And that mission is to resolve this mythical nuisance once for all 'That All LIVES Matter"! By establishing a 'Congressional/Presidential Council that would address for once and for all, [a resolution] that would decrease in significant-percentages the continued flooding of Princeville! Princeville is tired of and fed up of being a co-dependent, malignant cancerous burden draped around the necks of the county, the state and the federal system, loathing at the bottom round of the 'economic ladder of poverty'! We know time is running out as well as patience and the funding resources are dwindling along with the tolerance
of procrastination from both sides of the nickle.

FYI. This isn't what our founding Fathers & Mothers intended for their vision to be; almost 200 years after their inspired vision when they charted 'Freedom Hill' (1885) into Princeville. I as an elected official, I speak out not only for the residents of Princeville, but for everybody who professes publicly that they care about 'our' history; and for the moral and human decency of mankind when it comes to demonstrating genuine, social justice. So I'd like to hear from as many of those who shall dare to accept the challenge of this "Olive Branch" message, that knows that there's something definitely wrong with this picture. Houston, TX has mentioned that with all the billions of dollars being generated; they would seriously consider the State of Texas 'Rainy Day Funds' to supplement any unmet needs! It is my understanding that the State of NC 'Rainy Day Funds' are in excess of 1.5 Billion Dollars. And if Princeville and other small communities residing helplessly in the vicinity of The Raging Tar River Basin doesn't qualify; I'd like to know what are the cafeterias to receiving some of that money to help our predicament? While proving above board and beyond doubt --"That All LIVES Truly Matters!"

Uniting our bipartisan concerted efforts for humanity; stands more of a chance of successfully making Princeville a more resilient, self-sustainable, economically viable, progressive tax contributing community! Which would in essence help us transform from being labeled, as a 'useless community into a useful community' fulfilling our created, driven purpose for existence! We humbly await your response. "The Voice of the Voiceless."


Commissioner Milton R. Bullock / Ward 1
Historical Princeville
252.823.3740 H
252.813.1758 C


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Sep 8, 2017

Are You Fearful to Speak Up?

When we don’t speak up, it signals that we are in agreement with what is in place.  But on the occasion when one does voice their opinion, it is seen as a combative position versus being helpful.

By using relationship selling strategies, your contribution will receive a warm welcome.  The hard part is getting past the fear of speaking up.

Relationship Selling Strategies

Most often the need to share your perspective is when something does not go as expected.  On a job, management may lay blame on lower level employees including the sales staff.  Or you may be an entrepreneur who believes a project will be successful, only to realize the opposite is true,  and a meeting with partners becomes the next hurdle.

We frequently hear remarks that fail to take into account the consequences ahead.  Whatever the issue, discontent is in the making.  It is our job not only to point out the shortcoming, but also offer ideas to improve the approach.

Arguing and blame never work to anyone’s advantage; it only creates distrust along with a dissolution of friendships and partnerships.  To avoid this type of harm, ask questions such as:

* Have you considered these potential outcomes?
* What if this occurs?
* How about we approach the issue this way, and here is why?

How to Fix Problems 

The best strategy is to take the high road.  Hold the best outcome for all in mind throughout the conversation.  The process begins with giving yourself a pep talk in the mirror that you will get through the drama, and that all will end as it should.  When your meeting is about to begin, show up with a smile on your face and in your voice.  Be willing to hear everyone out even if there is blame stacked against you.


1. Allow those involved in the dilemma divulge the problems.  After the fact, they are more likely to listen to ideas for fixes.
2. Offer a variety of possibilities and then together select the best route to proceed.
3. Should a partner or management not wish to listen or alter behavior to implement a solution, you have the signal to find an alternate course of action.
4. When the issue is more complex, inquire as to how the other party sees the problem and its solution.
5. Consider the problem from multiple angles and once again ask numerous questions should something not be thought through.

The steps above are a part of the sales process with clientele.  The give and take of conversation and striving to fully understand the other person’s perspective brings about far greater possibility.  Accordingly, you may earn more sales with the thoughtful approach.

Your Story

Think back to when you had issues with peers and possibly clients.
* Did your temper get in the way of finding agreement?
* Did you handle the situation with calm?
* Were you respectful of their position versus yours to find a satisfactory conclusion?

Most people brace for an argument.  But when you come across as pleasant, and with a desire to work things out, you significantly distinguish yourself from everyone else.  By speaking up to resolve dilemmas, you pave the path to move forward together or find another venue more rewarding.  Either way, it’s a win for you, and hopefully for the other party, too.

Sales Tips

1.    Speak up when necessary.
2.    Explain your thinking and why it’s important.
3.    Describe potential outfall if the problem remains as is.
4.    Ask questions to see if the other party recognizes your concerns.
5.    Suggest a compromise to satisfy everyone.
6.    Negotiate an improved outcome.
7.    Gain agreement on moving forward.
8.    Check in afterward to see if satisfaction holds.
9.    Agree to periodic updates to remain in touch.
10.    Celebrate Success!

Click to Visit Elinor Stutz' Author Page Elinor's Author Page

Contact for Book Packages 
Packaging may also include Event Speaking and/or Sales Training


Are Your Results What You Want?

Do you know of anyone complaining about not getting their desired results or knowing how to proceed?  Most likely your answer is ‘Yes!’ 

The worst approach to improving results is not to change a thing.  We all know that does not work while the anxiety increases.  Continuing to do the same old is just that, it gets tiresome and completely out of date.  What takes place next is to find a group of peers who are experiencing the same.  While peer support may sound good, it’s a slippery slope for becoming a pity party and never moving past. 

Remaining in one’s comfort zone ruins all chances for an improved tomorrow.  We each have a choice of how we approach the future.  The question is, will remaining as is be satisfying, or is time to roll up your sleeves to do the work for a brighter outlook?

"Tomorrow is a blank canvas, paint yours today."

My Story
Everyone experiences lessons to learn and forks in the road where choices are necessary to move forward.  A big surprise for most is that I suggest that failure does not exist as long as one is willing to take action.  The strategy I refer to is to examine what went wrong and how we may fix it. And then set specific goals with timelines to implement all fixes that may be required.

Instead of joining a pity party, I would much rather join a motivated group dedicated to learning and growing.  I want to be among those who recognize their weak areas, but who also strive to improve upon them.  It is my desire to be among peers who not only learn and grow but who will then turn around to share the best of their latest education.  In this way, everyone wins as we all grow together.  The added benefit is that enthusiasm and enjoyment of work remain in tact as we implement new ideas.  Be motivated and inspire those around you.

Your Story
It is fairly common to question our work.  If the thought of what comes next has been frequent, then it’s time to give consideration to the question.  Figure out what will make you happy and bring in enough income to pay the bills plus some.  Remaining in a comfort zone may easily lead to one day running out of money because change is a constant.  Planning for the future can remedy that dilemma.

Do some research in your spare time of the latest trends in your industry or as entrepreneurs for making a decent income.  Should anything catch your interest, set up appointments to speak to people already established in the field.  Create a list of initial questions and keep adding to it similar to the running task list.  You may find additional information on Twitter via the associated news sources.

Whether or not something new catches your attention doesn’t matter.  What does make a difference is the knowledge that you gain.  Even if you continue with the same endeavor or job, the information you learned may be applied.  And as you begin to make small changes, you may see the cloud of uncertainty fade away. 

The important reminder here is always to attempt to move forward and learn something new.  As you do, the new will follow you and success is destined to be yours.

Sales Tips
1.    Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself.
2.    Confer with peers on best steps to take.
3.    Research the latest trends.
4.    Apply what you learn to current endeavors.
5.    Strengthen your effort to produce more.
6.    Reconfirm your vision and then reset goals as needed.
7.    Embrace differing thought to see if it may apply.
8.    Revise your vision as appropriate.
9.    Move beyond where you are feeling stuck.
10.    Celebrate Success!

Click to Visit Elinor Stutz' Author Page Elinor's Author Page

Contact for Book Packages 
Packaging may also include Event Speaking and/or Sales Training


Aug 14, 2017

Use ‘Impossible’ to Improve Success

Throughout our lifetime, there is no doubt we will each hear the exclamation, thats impossible!  But the fact is, nothing is impossible when you possess a positive mindset, the will to move past all obstacles, and a plan for obtaining what you desire.

Use the word impossible as the motivator to succeed!

Our Stories

One tweet inspired and motivated me to write about similarities the two of us faced and how we overcame the impossible.'  Its a tale of two stories of how everyday people, like you, surpassed all expectations.

You will never walk again.

The gentleman, Leon, tweeted photos of himself @LeonFordSpeaks beginning to walk again and doing strengthening exercises to continue the momentum.  Personal development and education are all about strengthening ones mindset to overcome obstacles that come our way.  Leon was advised that he would never walk again, but it was vividly clear that he overcame the impossible.

My story has been previously written, but it ties in with that of Leon.  The short version is, I incurred a broken neck due to a traffic accident where I was stopped at a red light.  The driver from behind was not paying attention and slammed full force into my car.  Doctors would not honor my request to help with the pain felt on and off for ten years.  I was thankful for the second mild accident when the car coasted into a lamp post on a dark and rainy night.  I knew something had to be done to fix my neck.

Your best outcome will be paralysis.  (We all know the other outcome.)

A near death experience on the stretcher while awaiting admittance produced two visions, one after the other.  In the process, a gold light encased my entire body.  The first indicated that I needed to begin helping communities and the second that I was to grow into becoming an inspirational speaker.  A forever salesperson, I negotiated with the Great Beyond that I would do all of the above if I were to walk out of the hospital on my own.

My family was told to prepare for the worst case, while I held future thoughts about how I would become a speaker and mentor for many to inspire and motivate for achieving successful outcomes  After surgery, I became known as the walking miracle.

Lessons Learned

1.    The power of a positive mindset and vision for the best possible outcome are to be with you at all times. 
2.    Do not let anyone take your vision away from you.
3.    Summon up the power within to move forward.

Your Story

As an employee and as an entrepreneur, no one is safe from hearing negative remarks and the words, you're crazy because thats impossible!  The differentiator between those who succeed and those who do not is whether they have the determination and are willing to persevere against all the predicted odds. 

While most may not be able to move past the barriers, it is important to note that statistics are only temporary.  It is up to each of us to create our new reality for all to witness.

What is your level of determination and resilience to popular thought:

    Do you give in to current thinking or are you willing to go it alone?
    Is there a burning desire within to attempt your vision no matter what?
    How will you feel if you dont try, versus you try and it doesnt work out as expected; will you try again?

If you have ever encountered someone who lives with regret for not having tried, you will understand the importance of moving past thats impossible.  Whether or not you succeed, you can smile later on knowing that you gave the effort your all.  When you do experience victory, that will bring a smile to your face every single day after!

Sales Tips
Acknowledge the problems ahead of you.
Create a list of possibilities for moving past the roadblocks.
Select the one route that excites you most.
Pursue the road ahead with every ounce of energy.
Be willing to acknowledge setbacks and try again.
Be relentless in your pursuit.
Accept zero negativity.
Change friends as needed.
Appreciate each day as a renewed opportunity to succeed.
Celebrate Success

Contact for Book Packages 
Packaging may also include Event Speaking and/or Sales Training