Mar 1, 2017

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SMTP Based Voicemail to Email Using Voicemail Pro

AvayaA growing trend in telephony is integrating voicemail messages with the end user’s email inbox. This is beneficial for a number of reasons. An increasing number of users are working remotely without easy access to their system voicemail box. In these situations, many users find it easier to log-in to their email inbox and listen to their voicemails online. There are several ways this can be accomplished on IP Office. Here is a step-by-step guide on the most common scenario, which is simple SMTP based Voicemail to Email.
Setting Up Simple SMTP Based Voicemail to Email Using Voicemail Pro:
When Voicemail Pro is installed, you are prompted for SMTP details. The SMTP information can be filled out during the install process or afterwards by locating the IP Office Voicemail Pro icon added to the computer’s Control Panel.
You will need the following details from the network administrator to continue:
  1. Email address from which the emails will be sent
  2. SMTP server address
  3. Port number
  4. Email account user name and password (used when server requires authentication)
  5. Whether or not SMTP uses Challenge Response Authentication
During the install process or through the IP Office Voicemail Pro icon in Control Panel, fill out the following fields:
  1. Email Settings tab
    1. Account Details (the email address from which the emails will be sent)

  1. SMTP Email Settings tab
    1. Mail Server (SMTP server address)
    2. Port Number
    3. Account Name (if server requires authentication)
    4. Account Password (if server requires authentication)

Configure the individual user’s email address in IP Office Manager:
  1. Select Users.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate user.
  3. Select the Voicemail tab.
  4. Select the appropriate radio button:
    1. Off – No email alerts.
    2. Copy – Sends a copy of the voicemail to the user’s email inbox.
    3. Forward – Forwards a copy of the voicemail to the user’s email inbox and deletes it from their voicemail inbox.
    4. Alert – Send an alert to the user’s email inbox informing the user a new message has been received.
Change email protocol type:
  1. In VMPro client go to Administration | Preferences | General
  2. Click on the MAPI tab
  3. Choose SMTP as the email protocol
Test voicemail to email operation:
  1. Leave a voicemail for one of the properly configured users.
  2. If voicemail does not show up in the user’s email inbox, use Voicemail Debug to troubleshoot
    1. Download and execute the Voicemail Debug program on the Voicemail Pro server.
    2. Leave a test voicemail for one of the properly configured users.
    3. Voicemail Debug output should show an attempt to send an email using the previously configured settings.
    4. If the email fails to send, you will typically see an SMTP error code associated with the output. A list of error codes can be found here:
    5. Continue troubleshooting based on the error code associated with the output.

    For more info Contact

    Sam Williams II 1-800-717-4107x 215 Partner

    or Visit

    Blog originally posted by
     ScanSource Catalyst Tech Support on December 10, 2009

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